
Our Services

ISPE conducts Training & Certification programs in Six Sigma Yellow belt, Green belt, Black belt, Champion, Lean Management & other areas of Business Excellence for Public, Educational (excluding Six Sigma Black belt, Champion, Lean Mgt & certain Business Excellence programs) & Corporate workshops.

What is Six Sigma ?

Six Sigma, as a business/management methodology, is a Breakthrough Strategy with an effective approach & proper deployment involving the use of a set of High-end Statistical & Quality tools with Analytical thinking, arranged in a unique way for solving Chronic problems, with no known root cause(s), plaguing a business/process (in any Industry/work area or field), & improving performance therein, achieving Optimum results (by way of Defect Reduction, Yield improvement with Quality, Improved Customer Satisfaction, Higher Net Income – profit/cost savings to the business, & Continual Improvement).

In simple words, Six Sigma is a powerful data driven, Business & Customer focused Breakthrough Problem Solving Management & Work methodology that delivers validated improvements in Quality, Productivity & Profitability.

Why Six Sigma ?

Apart from Six Sigma being a powerful methodology to permanently address pain areas in any organization/business/ process, also provides best value (quality) at lowest cost to its (organization/business/process) customers. In the present business climate, it is an essential survival kit that is needed both at an individual & organization level for sustenance & growth, where the number of six sigma practitioners is growing by the day. The implementation of Six Sigma work methodology in an organization by one as an owner or employee will take the organization to :

  •     Increased Productivity with Improved Quality,
  •     Increased Profitability / Cost Savings, &
  •     Improved Customer Satisfaction

Application of Six Sigma

The beauty of Six Sigma lies in the fact that it can be applied to anything under the Sun, that warrants its application. It is a multi-function & multi-industry work, management & professional discipline applicable to various Industries & Verticals. Viz, Manufacturing / Production, Service (IT/BPO/KPO), Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Healthcare, Education, Hospitality, Shipping, Law, M&As, Construction, Aviation, Nuclear/Power plants, Equity & Stocks, Mining, Agriculture, Sports, Jewellery, Government sector, etc. You just name it & you have it. The companies that have realized huge benefits by deploying six sigma are Motorola, Wipro, Ford, Citigroup, Morgan Chase, Sony, Philips, Tata group, Reliance, etc, & many other companies both domestically & internationally.

Lean is a philosophy that aims to reduce/minimize the working capital needed to produce a product or service. Lean seeks to remove the non-value added (from customer’s perspective) time in a process making it purely Value Adding as far as possible. Lean is essentially about eliminating all wastes & nonvalue adding activities from a process to bring about smooth & uninterrupted product or service flow.

Second major focus of lean is to empower & enable people at lowest work level to make operational decisions. Lean (management) applies to non-production / service settings (Eg, Banking, BPO, Software, etc) as much as it applies to manufacturing settings. Lean management is about assessing & evaluating each step in the process ensuring its Valuability, Availability, Capability, Flexibility & Adequacy

Both Lean & Six Sigma as professional disciplines complement each other in bringing breakthrough improvements at business & work, & are seen as a synergy for growth, often (their synergy) being referred to as ‘LEAN SIX SIGMA (LeSS)’.

Lean Six Sigma – 1day program for qualified SSGBs. Lean qualification is not a pre-requisite.

Also, the following Training & Certification programs in Lean Six Sigma to be announced soon:

Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Black belt – 6 days program for qualified SSBBs in DMAIC
Six Sigma Master Black belt – 8 days program for qualified SSBBs.

Training & Certification Programs

Introduction to Six Sigma Yellow belt

The Six Sigma Yellow belt program combines the learnings from the Basic Quality, seven (old) Quality control tools, & new seven management & planning tools aligning it with the basic principles of Six Sigma & Lean.

Program objective

To train & certify on the basis of Basic Quality, Six Sigma & Lean concepts & tools.

For whom

Degree students (please see details in the ‘Educational Training Programs’ page), & working Professionals who are new to Quality & Six Sigma &/or wish to get into the Quality &/or Six Sigma field/area at work & aspire to excel therein, or their respective field/ area of present/future work. The above holds good even for work professionals at junior level who work in a company which may not be six sigma driven, as the trainee can facilitate to bring change for the better as a change agent therein, thereby bringing management recognition & consequent professional growth.

Training content & methodology

Training in basics of Quality, Six Sigma & Lean by way of powerpoint aided presentation slides, lectures, team exercises, videos & interactive role plays

Trainer / Faculty profile

A Lean Six Sigma leader & senior management professional for the past decade, being the alumni of a Premier Institute of International reckoning, who has specially studied & been trained in Planning, Leading & Management, & who has traveled globally on business. The trainer has been into various business improvement roles as a leader, trainer, change enabler & Lean Six Sigma expert. The Faculty for training is subject to change per the availability. Besides, guest faculty would also be there.


All program participants/trainees would be issued a Six Sigma Yellow belt program participation & completion certificate on clearing a written examination (passing percentage is 75) to be held at the end (last day) of the training program.

Program duration & training batch size

SSYB is a 2 days program with a batch size of not more than 20 trainees/participants per program. Choice of weekday & weekend programs available.

Click here to Download the Six Sigma Yellow belt program course contents

Introduction to Six Sigma Green belt

The Six Sigma Green belt program is built upon the yellow belt program (trainees directly joining for the green belt program would be provided pre-course material, which covers yellow belt study), which takes one further on the journey of learning the six sigma discipline covering in detail the various tools at the green belt level used for chronic problem-solving & bringing breakthrough improvements at work/business, thereby delivering never seen before results.

Program objective

To provide learning & hands-on experience on six sigma tools for six sigma implementers/deployers, so that they can initiate & further, carry six sigma projects in their company/workplace.

For whom

Degree students (please see details in the ‘Educational Training Programs’ page), & Junior & Middle-level work/management professionals who are responsible, &/or wish to bring visible & apparent breakthrough improvements in their work field/area.

Training content & methodology

Impart proper training for a sound understanding of each phase in the DMAIC (Define- Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) methodology & related tools at the Six Sigma green belt level. Training to be facilitated by way of powerpoint aided presentation slides, lectures, examples & illustrations, team exercises, working with data on Excel & Minitab, case studies, videos & interactive role-plays.

Trainer / Faculty profile

A Lean Six Sigma leader & senior management professional for the past decade, being the alumni of a Premier Institute of International reckoning, who has specially studied & been trained in Planning, Leading & Management, & who has traveled globally on business. The trainer has been into various business improvement roles as a leader, trainer, change enabler & Lean Six Sigma expert. Faculty for training is subject to change per the availability. Besides, guest faculty would also be there.


All program participants/trainees would be issued a Six Sigma Green belt program participation & completion certificate on clearing a written examination (the passing percentage is 75) to be held at the end (last day) of the training program.

Program duration & training batch size

SSGB is a 4 days program with a batch size of not more than 20 trainees/participants per program. Choice of weekday & weekend programs available.

Click here to Download the Six Sigma Green belt program course contents.

Introduction to Six Sigma Black belt

The Six Sigma Black belt program is built upon the green belt program (one needs to be a certified green belt before joining for the black belt program). The black belt program takes one (a green belt) through the advanced & high rigor statistical tools at the black belt level, who has a keen interest to learn and implement performance improvements in work needed to drive a performance-oriented culture in the organization/workplace as well as professional and personal life.

Program objective

To provide learning & hands-on experience on the Black belt tools, validate knowledge & competence through certification process, & proficiency through subsequent successful project completion (additional assistance for hands-on project work will be provided per trainee’s choice).

For whom

Certified six sigma green belts, both at middle & senior work/mgt level

Training content & methodology

The black belt program not only provides one with sound theoretical & practical knowledge of advanced six sigma tools but also hands-on experience of working with Minitab on data & exercises, besides brainstorming, simulation, problem-solving & related discussions. Training to be facilitated by way of PowerPoint aided presentation slides, lectures, videos, examples & illustrations, team exercises, case studies & interactive role-plays.

Trainer / Faculty profile

A Lean Six Sigma leader & senior management professional for the past decade, being the alumni of a Premier Institute of International reckoning, who has specially studied & been trained in Planning, Leading & Management, & who has traveled globally on business. The trainer has been into various business improvement roles as a leader, trainer, change enabler & Lean Six Sigma expert. The faculty for training is subject to change per the availability. Besides, guest faculty would also be there.


All program participants/trainees would be issued a Six Sigma Black belt program participation & completion certificate on clearing a written examination (passing percentage is 80) to be held at the end (last day) of a training program.

Program duration & training batch size

SSBB is a 6 days program with a batch size of not more than 20 trainees/participants per program. Choice of weekday & weekend programs available.

Click here to Download the Six Sigma Black belt program course contents

Introduction to Six Sigma Champion

The Six Sigma Champion program is intended to produce Champions who are responsible for coordinating a business roadmap to successfully achieve Six Sigma level of performance/operation within the client/own organization.

Program objective

The goal of the Champion training program is to identify & learn the Champion roles and responsibilities to effectively lead a team of Black Belts.

For whom

People in the Senior & Top Management, Business leaders & decision-makers.

Training content & methodology

The Champion program enables one in learning to identify the elements of a well-written business case as well as learn the importance of project selection. & also learn about the tools used to complete successful projects as well as champion responsibilities throughout the DMAIC process. The Champion will acquire the skills and tools to select projects, implement improvements, execute control, and alleviate roadblocks to success. Training to be facilitated by way of PowerPoint aided presentation slides, lectures, videos, examples & illustrations, team exercises, case studies & interactive role-plays.

Trainer / Faculty profile

A Lean Six Sigma leader & senior management professional for the past decade, being the alumni of a Premier Institute of International reckoning, who has specially studied & been trained in Planning, Leading & Management, & who has traveled globally on business. The trainer has been into various business improvement roles as a leader, trainer, change enabler & Lean Six Sigma expert. The faculty for training is subject to change per availability. Besides, guest faculty would also be there.


All program participants/trainees would be issued a Six Sigma Champion program participation & completion certificate on clearing a written examination (the passing percentage is 80) to be held at the end (last day) of training program.

Program duration & training batch size

SSC is a 2 days program with trainee/participant batch size for each program per the number of enquiries solicited. Choice of weekday & weekend programs available.

Click here to Download the Six Sigma Champion program course contents

Introduction to Lean

Lean is a philosophy that seeks to reduce/minimize the working capital required to produce a product or provide a service. Lean is all about eliminating all wastes & non-value added activities from a process & making the product or service flow.

Program objective

For providing hands-on experience on Lean management concepts and tools to those who are hands-on practitioners in their respective work processes.

For whom

Anyone who is desirous of bringing visible improvements in key work processes. Six Sigma Green belt or Black belt is not a pre-requisite.

Training content & methodology

The Lean mgt training aims to provide an understanding of real-time theoretical knowledge & practical exposure to Lean management concepts & tools. Training to be facilitated by aid of PowerPoint presentation slides, lectures, classroom exercises & case studies, videos & role-plays.

Trainer / Faculty profile

An international Lean expert & senior management professional, being the alumni of a Premier Institute of international reckoning, having more than a decade of experience in carrying out Lean improvement projects across the industry. Faculty for training is subject to change per the availability.


All program participants/trainees would be issued a Lean Management program participation & completion certificate on clearing a written examination (the passing percentage is 75) to be held at the end (last day) of a training program.

Program duration & training batch size

Lean Management is a 2 days program with trainee/participant batch size for each program per a number of enquiries solicited. Choice of weekday & weekend programs available.

Click here to Download Lean Management program course contents

Deployment Assistance

For past program participants:

Free project guidance & consultation provided to past participants of ISPE’s Six Sigma Yellow, Green, Black belt, & Lean Management programs working on their pilot (first) Six Sigma / Lean projects in their companies/place of work/business.

For outside clients:

Paid Consulting services provided to outside clients for identifying & implementing Lean, Six Sigma Green belt, Black belt, & other Business Improvement & Excellence projects at their company/place of work/ business. Consultation fee to be charged would depend on the size & complexity of the Project to be implemented, & other related factors.

Understanding the increasing need for improved & effective communication skills in today’s academic & business world as a pre-requisite for academic & professional excellence, ISPE has also simultaneously launched a training program (apart from Lean Six Sigma & other Business Excellence programs) imparting coaching in English language (emphasis on Spoken & written skills) for matriculation, intermediate, graduation & engineering students studying/who have studied under vernacular (non-english) medium of instruction in any discipline. Also, similar students studying/who have studied under English medium of instruction are welcome to join the course, per need. This course is bifurcated into three sections per the particular student’s learning need. Viz, Optima (for language & communication basics in English), Suprema (for proficiency needed in language reading & writing comprehension per High school level under English medium), & Ultima (spoken fluency & flair for writing in English language meeting one’s professional requirements).