
Who We Are

ISPE has been formed by an association of like-minded professionals having common interest & zeal for improvement in the field of Academic & Professional Learning, Quality, Continuous Improvement, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Business & overall Professional Excellence. ISPE was established in May 2011 & it has grown from strength to strength since then. Please click HERE to know more about ISPE.

Vision & Mission

We at ISPE constantly endeavour, & are committed to bring & add value to our fellow people among the Student fraternity, General public, Corporates, & Others who associate with us, including the academic & professional society in general, through our Academic, Professional & other Development programs, championing for the cause of Intellectual, Professional & Social development, both at individual & society level.

success story

10 K+
Number of students
1 K+
learning sessions conducted
10 +
metro & major cities in India