ISPE has been formed by an association of like-minded professionals having common interest & zeal for improvement in the field of Academic & Professional Learning, Quality, Continuous Improvement, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Business & overall Professional Excellence.
About us

We at ISPE constantly endeavour, & are committed to bring & add value to our fellow people among the Student fraternity, General public, Corporates, & Others who associate with us, including the academic & professional society in general, through our Academic, Professional & other Development programs, championing for the cause of Intellectual, Professional & Social development, both at individual & society level.
To be Creative & Successful in business, work & life one needs to find an opportunity in every difficulty. Having proper knowledge of work improvement methodologies like Lean, Six Sigma, etc., equips one & all with the necessary skills needed for this.
ISPE has been formed by an association of like-minded professionals having common interests in the field of Academic & Professional Learning, Quality, Continuous Improvement, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma & overall Professional Excellence. ISPE was established in May 2011 & it has grown from strength to strength since then.
The answer to this question is explained below:-
ISPE has association with senior Management Professionals & Business leaders (some of whom are alumni of Premier Institutes of international reckoning) in their respective areas of work/business (viz, Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma, Communication & Soft skills, other Business Excellence programs, etc) proficiency, both as voluntary/paid regular & visiting faculties for the conduct of its various training programs under the Educational, Public & Corporate workshops. In addition, ISPE also has tie-ups with well qualified & reputed guest faculties from the industry for training (see salient features below). Please contact ISPE for further details, per need. Thus, one who chooses to join ISPE for undergoing any training program is groomed by experts from the academia & industry, enhancing the trainee’s skill sets, intellectual & functional competence, & overall professional development, thereby bringing value addition to the trainee’s professional forte & work CV, & thus brightening & strengthening one’s (trainee) future career prospects.
Membership & Board Affiliations:
Faculty/ies at ISPE are individual members with International Quality Federation (IQF), USA, iSixSigma forum, USA, & also, a registered customer with American Society for Quality (ASQ), USA. Association with these elite groups, forums & others as well, both big & small, keeps them (ISPE faculty) updated & abreast with the latest developments (through discussions, news articles & subscriptions, announcements, etc) in the disciplines (Quality, SS, Lean, Business Excellence & Professional Development) taught by them, thus adding value to their teachings, & benefiting the trainees at large in terms of knowledge bank & course value.
Salient features of various Training programs at ISPE:
Training days, duration & batch size: ISPE conducts training for both SSGB & YB on weekdays (Monday-Fridays) as well as weekends (Saturday & Sundays). The duration of training for SSGB is 4 days (either 4 consecutive weekdays or 2 consecutive weekends respectively) & the duration of training for SSYB is 2days (either 2 consecutive weekdays or 1 weekend), subject to they not clashing with the GB dates. The no of trainees per batch for both SSYB & GB shall not be more than 20.
ISPE conducts SSBB programs once in a quarter as a 6 days weekday (including Saturday) / weekend program, it is an advanced & high rigor training program. Program details are announced well in advance before the scheduled date. The frequency of the SSBB program is increased depending on the number of enquiring participants.
The SS Champion (SSC) is a 2 days program held on weekdays/weekends to be conducted once in a quarter, as it requires participation from senior & top people in the respective company management from the industry, per availability of time from their schedule. Program details are announced well in advance before the scheduled date. The frequency of the SSC program would depend on the number of inquiries solicited.
Lean Management is a 2 days program held on weekdays/weekend to be held once a month, per availability of dates (not closing with the Six Sigma program dates) & trainee convenience with a batch size of not more than 20 trainees. The frequency of the Lean Management program would depend on the number of enquiries solicited.
The convenience of choice: Since the training program for Six Sigma & Lean Mgt is conducted on weekdays as well as weekends, trainees have a choice of selecting either (weekdays/weekends), per their convenience & suitability subject to a maximum of 20 trainees/batch for both. Admission to any program (whether weekday/weekend) would be on a first come first serve basis.
Suitable timings: All training programs would be held during business hours from 9 am to 6 pm / 10 am to 6 pm (depending on which program) including Lunch & Tea break.
Training venue & services: Business class hotel in the city of training with Lunch & refreshments for Public workshop programs. Educational workshop programs to be conducted at own premise of the educational institution or Business class economic hotel (if not possible in own premise for any reason(s)) with lunch & refreshments, & Corporate workshop programs per the respective company policy (either at a Business class hotel or own premise) with lunch & refreshments.
Method of Instruction / Training / Coaching: Classroom style Instruction / Training / Coaching through lectures assisted with powerpoint presentation slides & related applications, examples & illustrations, class room exercises, case studies, videos, & interactive role plays.
Training & course material: Carry bag & stationery, well-researched exhaustive trainee course notes/handbook, practical problems, real-time case studies, training on related software applications (Ms Excel & Minitab for SSGB & BB) & supportive course CD (only for SSGB, BB & Lean Mgt). Other SS trainers do not offer training on Minitab at GB level or do it separately at an extra fee, unlike ISPE. Also, apart from training in the knowledge of basic Statistics (for SSGB, BB & SSC), ISPE is also offering a handbook & CD on ‘Statistics for Six Sigma’ as an additional option for further knowledge support to desirous SS program participants, which is not provided by other SS trainers. Trainees are advised to carry their laptops (only for SSGB, BB & SSC, not YB & Lean). If they (trainee(s)) do not have one/are unable to bring one, ISPE can refer vendors who provide the same on hire for the course duration. Computer facilities in the educational institutions can be used for SSGB programs therein, under Educational workshop.
Entire SS course material on CD: ISPE is among the first few (or maybe the first) Six Sigma training providers domestically to offer the entire SS handbook (only for SSWB, SSYB, SSGB & SSC) on CD to its trainees in addition to the supportive CD on these (only for SSGB), as an additional option (apart from the SS handbook). Though having a book on the subject (SS) always makes reading/studying convenient, having a CD on the entire SS course material comes in handy for reference while working on a SS project, unlike referring to a book/hard copy which often becomes inconvenient to carry & refer to. This idea (offering the entire SS course material on CD) as an additional option has been initiated keeping the trainee’s convenience in mind while assisting/working (with a PC/laptop) on a SS project.
Guest faculty: ISPE also has tie-ups with qualified, well-experienced & reputed guest faculties from the industry to cover specific topics needing special attention in course of training, emphasizing on relevant examples from real-life situations in the industry, thereby giving practical insights to the trainees.
Course Fee & Payment mode: Please visit the ‘Registration & Course Fees’ page for details on the various program fees conducted at ISPE. Payments to be made by DD/Cheque/Pay order only. Payment to be acknowledged by issue of a receipt. Acceptance of fee payment by card /online is in the stage of development at present & to become functional in due course.
Finance option: ISPE plans to provide easy finance option(s) for fee payment to SSGB & BB trainees (not SSYB & Lean Mgt. & NA to SSC ), per need. However, this is still at an initial stage of planning & yet to be finalized.
Additional guidance & support: Please visit the ‘Discussion Forum’ page for more details.
Learn & Earn: For each prospective trainee referred by present/past trainees, they (present/past trainees) will get discount in their fees or earn (get paid) incentives, respectively, per trainee, referred by them, subject to confirmation on payment received from the prospective trainee(s). Thus, a trainee can offset his/her expense incurred in undergoing any training program with ISPE & also earn more by referring required & more number of prospective participants to ISPE.
The Lean Six Sigma exam pattern at ISPE is based on the ASQ (American Society for Quality) model (objective type), & is conducted at the end of last day of the training session to test & eventually reinforce the knowledge acquired during the training program. The exam is not difficult, if one concentrates on the concepts explained during the training. The passing percentage is 75 for SSYB, GB & Lean Management exams, & 80 for SSBB & SSC. One can re-appear for the exam if one does not qualify in it the first time, free of cost, along with the next respective training batch. Program participation & completion certificates will be issued (subject to passing the written exam) one week after the training program to reach the participants by courier for public workshop programs, & to be handed over to the Educational institution / Corporate in case of Educational / Corporate workshop programs. Also, a SS project completion certificate will be issued to those trainees, free of cost, who complete a successful SS (YB/GB/BB) project (post evaluation of the project subject to certain criteria by the ISPE faculty & associated experts) within a period of 3 years of completion of SS training & examination at ISPE. Please contact ISPE for the above details regarding the ‘Other Business Excellence Training Programs’ offered.
The impetus of SS program at ISPE would be more on trainees understanding & acquiring knowledge of Six Sigma concepts, & applying the same in relevant situations at work/business at the trainee’s end, facilitated by us in imparting quality education & training (along with certification as testimony) in the subject (SS), which we assure. We at ISPE believe the value of our certification is in the knowledge bank, expertise, approach, course delivery & value that we bring to the table contributing to the trainee’s professional development. ISPE’s International Training Partner is Stat Stuff for Lean Six Sigma Training, USA. And, ISPE’s certificates awarded to its successful program participants are accredited by American Society for Lean Six Sigma (ASLSS), the USA and The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC), USA.
Please view these details in the ‘Services’ page. Please also visit the ‘Other Business Excellence Programs’ page too for more details on other programs offered at ISPE.
A Finance Professional being a first-class degree holder in Accounting & Finance from the University of Mumbai.
Post Graduate in Marketing & Brand Mgmt from MICA, Ahmedabad.
Post Graduate in Business Management (General) from MICA, Ahmedabad.
Post Graduate in Data Analytics from MICA,Ahmedabad.
Executive Program in Leadership & Strategic Management from Jack Welch Mgmt Institute (JWMI) @ Strayer University, USA.
A tenured Lean Six Sigma & PEX professional having about a decade of experience in the domains of PEX & Lean Six Sigma training & consulting across the industry & has about 15+ yrs of industry experience, having served at Citigroup (Mumbai) formerly from 2003- 2008. He is currently serving as Principal Consultant, PEX @ BEST Services, a PEX consulting org.
Was awarded a citation by the Ministry of MSME DI, GOI in 2009 for successfully completing the very FIRST Six Sigma Black Belt Project for a company thereunder in 2009.
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